Secondhand Sales
Our firm engages primarily in ship sale & purchase broking, whereby we act as intermediaries (or negotiators) between owners of vessels who wish either to sell or buy (mainly) merchant ships. These ships carry all types of commodities such as bulk liquid or “wet” cargoes such as crude oil and refined products, natural and petroleum gas, as well as a broad selection of dry bulk cargoes such as grain, coal, iron ore, fertilizers, logs, cement, steel products, tapioca, petcoke, bauxite, etc. There are also what are called “general cargoes” of large finished goods such as cars, trucks, tractors, sawn timber, machinery, military hardware and, not least, large metal containers filled with finished goods of all kinds.
Beyond the standard types of tankers and dry bulk carriers, we also sell containerships, passenger ships, Multi-Purpose vessels, tug boats, barges, etc. In addition, we handle sales of offshore vessels and equipment used in the exploration and production of underwater oil and gas fields. Such types of vessels include AHTSs, PSVs, FSVs, DSVs, Subsea Construction vessels oil & gas rigs, pipe layers, etc…
Newbuilding Orders
We have extensive experience arranging new building contract orders, dealing either directly with the shipyard or in unison with a duly appointed intermediary. We continuously monitor reported transactions of all kinds of tonnage in this highly fragmented sector of our industry in order to keep our clients apprised of market conditions, including the availability of building slots, price quotes, payment terms, refund and other guarantees, as well as general ordering tendencies and trends.